Do you want to declutter, but don't have time for a yard sale? Donate your items to the World Reach Yard Sale to make an incredible difference in the lives of students in Oklahoma City! You can also sign up to serve at the yard sale. We'll sell your items and all proceeds will go towards the Back to School Bash Outreach, which helps provide 1500 students with backpacks and school supplies. This outreach has been crucial for the community the past few years with such minimal educational funding in OKC. The recent pandemic caused a hit in City Center's funding & we're going to link arms with them to ensure it happens. Our Oklahoma Summit World Reach team had plans to serve alongside of the City Center in August. This trip has recently been postponed to December of this year, but in the meantime, we can still make a difference right where we are. When choosing your items to donate, please take into consideration that we are looking for items that are likely to sell. We appreciate every donation, but ask that you do not bring items that are in a less desirable condition or quality. The items that do not sell will be donated to Salvation Army to help others in need. We will not be accepting any clothes other than baby clothes up to 2T. If you'd like to participate by donating items, you must register. Friday, June 26th from 3-9pm & Saturday, June 27th from 8am-2pm on the grounds behind Summit Church!
There will be no in-person services on December 26 + 27 to give our teams time to rest.