Summit Youth_Worship & Prayer Night

Join us for Summit Youth at 7PM Wednesday evenings. Summit Youth is for grades 6-12. Invite a friend and we will see you soon!

The Well

Summit Church 2707 West Pike Road, Indiana, PA

Join us for The WELL, a Summit Women gathering for ages 12-112, on Friday, August 18! This is going to be an evening of refreshments, worship, teaching, friendship, & fun. Life is always better together so bring friends with you! You definitely won’t want to miss it! The doors will open at 6:30pm and the gathering will start at 7:00pm. While we love little ones, we are unable to provide childcare for this event. Babies are welcome.


Summit Youth_Armor: Week 1

Students 6th-12th grade - bring a friend to Summit Youth Wednesdays at 7PM! We are in a series called "Armor".

Summit Youth_Armor: Week 2

Students 6th-12th grade - bring a friend to Summit Youth Wednesdays at 7PM! We are in a series called "Armor".

Propel Women Fall Kick-Off

Summit Church 2707 West Pike Road, Indiana, PA

PROPEL IS PASSIONATE ABOUT HELPING WOMEN FULFILL THEIR PURPOSE, PASSION, AND POTENTIAL. PROPEL IS FOR EVERY WOMAN, WHEREVER SHE IS CURRENTLY AND WHEREVER YOU ARE NOW. ​On September 12 we will be kicking off our fall group and will be meeting on the 2nd Tuesday of each month throughout the fall & winter months. Whether you are a college student, a stay home mom, leading in the marketplace, the ministry, or your community we want to start the conversation and help guide as you lead in your sphere of influence. Don't miss out on this opportunity that will propel you and those around you into our God given Passion, Purpose & Potential! Childcare is provided, but is limited & registration is required.

Real Moms Kick-off

We are a group of women who strive to support other women who are navigating this thing called motherhood. Our desire is to create a space free from judgement and doubt, and full of respect for one another. We want to meet you right where you are, no matter where that is, because we realize there is power in our strength and in our weakness. There are no perfect moms, only REAL ones, and we have a place for you. So come and be yourself, be heard, be encouraged. We look forward to meeting you! Childcare is provided through 5th grade. We will meet at Summit Church from 9:45-noon on the following days: Sept 13/27 Oct 11/25 Nov 8 Dec 13 Jan 10/24 Feb 14/28 Mar 14/28 Apr 11/25 May 9  

Summit Youth_Armor: Week 3

Students 6th-12th grade - bring a friend to Summit Youth Wednesdays at 7PM! We are in a series called "Armor".

Summit Youth_Armor: Week 4

Students 6th-12th grade - bring a friend to Summit Youth Wednesdays at 7PM! We are in a series called "Armor".

Summit Youth_Armor: Week 5

Students 6th-12th grade - bring a friend to Summit Youth Wednesdays at 7PM! We are in a series called "Armor".

Community REACH Day

PA, United States

*REGISTRATION FULL* We believe that Summit Church is here to serve our community. From helping individuals to local organizations and city beautification, we LOVE Indiana and want to do everything we can to bless our city. Join us on Sept 30th as we love & serve our community in practical ways! We'll be meeting at Summit at 8:30 AM and dispersing into teams to different areas of Indiana. The projects will last until about noon on this day. Projects involving visiting residents will start at 1 or 1:30PM.