A21’s Global Freedom Summit

Join us on October 17, 2020 for a global broadcast & day of action to end human trafficking. Sign up to host a small group gathering or participate individually in the broadcast!  

She Is Uncommon Online Experience

The She Is Conference is the annual women’s conference hosted by Summit Church.  It is a powerful 2-day online gathering of women of all ages that is dedicated to see that every woman be rooted and grounded in who SHE IS in Christ, to experience the freedom that only He can give, and to run on mission for the good of others and the glory of God. This year you’ll engage with hundreds of other women in uplifting worship and inspiring teaching during our Online Experience. Our 2020 featured guests are Andi Andrew, Annie F. Downs, Bianca Olthoff, and more! For more info & to purchase tickets visit  

Leadership Night with Ronnie Doss

Join us in the main auditorium this Wednesday night, November 4th at 7pm to hear from Ronnie Doss  who has led leadership training for participants in eleven countries around the world like American Express, AT&T, The United Sates Military and employees of the NASA LION Leadership program. His knowledge concerning why individuals behave the way they do gives him great insight to help organizations and teams move forward. He believes building successful organizations starts with building empowered individuals. Ronnie is married to his wife Jennifer and together they have two daughters Addison and Kennedy.

Life Choices Virtual Baby Bottle

Because we believe that every life is made different through Jesus, every life is valuable, and that includes every baby facing an abortion. We have partnered with Life Choices this Fall to support their baby bottle campaign which will raise money to help young men, women and families facing unplanned pregnancies by giving them life-affirming options. Life Choices plays a significant role even on IUP’s campus by being available to young women who find themselves in unplanned pregnancies. Due to Covid, we are encouraging virtual baby bottles where you can donate with just one click.  Please pray about what you can give to help save more babies.  

Treasures for Children

This Christmas season, we get to make a difference in our community! Grab a Treasures for Children tag on one of our lobby trees during a weekend service or stop by during the week (M-Th 9-5). Each tag represents a child who God loves and cares for. Have fun shopping for a child in need and making this Christmas one they’ll remember. Give as the Lord leads & return the unwrapped gifts with the tag to one of the trees in the lobby by December 7th. Thank you!

Youth Winter Retreat

Summit Youth is hitting up Carlisle, PA for 2021 Winter Retreat! We'll be hearing from special speaker, Jermel Mayo, worshipping with hundreds of other teens, and having the time of our lives! This is the time for your 6th-12th grade students to get away for the weekend, reset and be refreshed. There will be dynamic worship, powerful preaching and pointed breakout sessions specifically designed with your teen in mind. The price is $170 with the first $50 due by December 4th. The remainder is due by January 1st. *Parents, Pastor Ricky will be sending out an email to convey our mindfulness of Covid-19 and how we plan to social distance as well as answer any questions regarding this event. We know that these circumstances are not to be taken lightly so our team is working hard to implement and maintain a sense of normalcy while heeding recommended safety precautions per the CDC. Thank you for your patience and understanding during these times!


Youth series: Goals

Join Summit Youth in February for a series called "Goals". Summit Youth is open to students in 6th-12th grades with the goal of connecting students to God and to each other.  They meet Wed. nights at 7pm in the Youth Auditorium at Summit Church, 2707 W. Pike Rd. Indiana PA 15701.    

Leadership Night

Join us for Leadership Night in the main auditorium with Pastor Mel at 7pm. This is open to anyone in our community who wants to develop their personal leadership and includes 30-40 minutes of teaching followed by Q&A.

Day of Prayer for Easter

Help us lay a foundation in prayer for our upcoming Easter outreaches. The church auditorium in Indiana will be open for a Day of Prayer from 12:00 to 6:00 pm on Wednesday, March 24 for anyone who would like to spend some time in quiet reflection and prayer as we anticipate a powerful move of God through neighborhood Egg Hunts, the Grand Opening of Blairsville Summit and our five Easter services at the Indiana campus.

Leadership Night

Join us for Leadership Night in the main auditorium with Pastor Mel at 7pm. This is open to anyone in our community who wants to develop their personal leadership and includes 30-40 minutes of teaching followed by Q&A.