Prayer for Summer XP (Blairsville)

Summit Blairsville 40 E. Market Street, Blairsville, PA, United States

Prayer is the most important part of our preparation for Summer XP. Join us as we gear up for all the fun at the Blairsville Campus this August. Take time to help set the stage for life-changing experiences and then see how God moves! The Blairsville church auditorium will be open from 1:00pm - 6:00 pm for a time of prayer on August 1st. If that doesn’t fit your schedule, click below to pray along with us:

Community Prayer

The Indiana Pastors Network will be sponsoring our next Community Prayer night at Graystone Presbyterian (640 Church Street, Indiana, PA 15701) on Sunday August 7th at 4:00pm. We will meet in the parking lot with the intent to walk to IRMC park.

Fall Small Groups

Groups begin the 2nd week of September! It's our prayer that you will take this step and connect with others in community. Check out the open groups below!

90 Day Tithing Challenge

We want you to be able to experience the joy of trusting Jesus in all areas of our life, which includes our finances. Tithing isn’t just about money. It’s a reflection of where our heart is in relation to God. We give in response to Jesus. We give because God owns it all, and we are putting him first in our lives above all other things. So, to support you in this step of trust, try the 90 Day Tithe Challenge. Your part is to commit to bring back to God your tithe, your first 10% for 90 days. Our commitment to you? At the end of 90 days, if you don’t feel like God is caring for you and nurturing you in your journey of faith, then we commit to giving back every penny you’ve given to Summit Church during the 90 days, no questions asked.  

Johnstown Night of Worship

Johnstown YMCA 100 Haynes Street, Johnstown, PA, United States

Join us at the Johnstown YMCA on Sunday, September 18th for a Night of Worship! The address is 100 Haynes St. Johnstown, PA 15901. Limited childcare is available upon registration. Please let us know you are coming by registering below

Community Prayer

The Indiana Pastors Network will be sponsoring our next Community Prayer night at Word of Grace Church (603 S 5th St, Indiana, PA 15701) on Sunday October 2nd at 4:00pm.

Fall Family Fun Night

There are so many fun things about the fall! We want to give an opportunity to get together and just have fun! We're hosting a Fall Family Fun Night on Friday, October 7, from 6:30-8:00pm at the Indiana Campus Pavilion (behind the church)! We'll have s'mores, a bonfire, and a few yard games to enjoy! We encourage you to bring your favorite yard game, football, frisbee, or game to share!

Johnstown Interest Meeting

Join us at the Johnstown YMCA for an Interest Meeting on Oct. 9th at 5pm! You do not need to RSVP. Your children are welcome to sit with you, but we will not have childcare or Summit Kids for this meeting. Johnstown YMCA 100 Haynes St. Johnstown PA 15901

Mrs. Claus Cookie Competition

Summit Indiana 2707 W. Pike Road, Indiana, United States

Welcome to our 1st annual Christmas Cookie Competition! Happening on Tuesday, November 29th, participants will be able to submit their cookies in an anonymous cookie tasting competition for the honor of having their name inscribed on the Mrs. Claus Cup! If you'd like to participate, please fill out the registration form below, and drop off your cookies during the November 26th/27th weekend services of either of our Summit Church.  Please package your cookies in a non-returnable container/packaging. Winners will be announced the following weekend online. Thanks for entering. We can't wait to see what delicious entries this year will bring!  

Christmas Decorating: Indiana Campus

If you've been to any of our Christmas services, you know what a peaceful and beautiful atmosphere it is! Help us 'deck the halls' of our Indiana and Blairsville campuses by registering below. You can register for any time slot during the day to help. Indiana - Tuesday, November 29th 9am-noon Blairsville - Thursday, December 1st 9am-noon